What to do with old scarves and shawls?
It's no secret that wearing scarves (yes, also storing them in the closet) is a kind of self-indulgent fetish, there are ladies who can't ignore perfumes, others falls in love with purses or shoes. This is the nature of the woman, the archetypal gatherer. We no longer have to look for mushrooms, berries and firewood, but the conscious or unconscious desire to gather around us the beautiful or the useful things has remained. So what to do with the remnants of this hobby ? In this case scarves that have morally expired, a little damaged, tired or simply haven't settled in the wardrobe?
How to give up beloved things to make room for new ones?
Is there a possibility to give them a second life and maybe use them more widely?
Yes, there are many different options!! And the fashion trends of the moment- the green (recycling) movement are particularly favorable.
In this article, we have collected an inspiration gallery with stylish solutions, most of which can be done by any woman at home.
Make stylish patches for jeans from an old scarf!
Sew a part of the scarf into a knitted sweater - the ready made edges of the scarf will be a big advantage here - you only need a little skill in designing and sewing clothes)
Sew a stylish sleeve to an ordinary top!
A larger scarf makes stylish sleeves or a front for a thin sweater or dress!
Add a scarf as a skirt or back detail!
Wrap a scarf or a ribbon made of it in different clothes - for example, in a stylish sports jacket - instead of laces.
If the scarf is completely worn, stained or torn, you can also improve the shoes !
A ribbon made from a scarf can be tucked into a sweater!
If you know how to sew well, or you tend to order clothes from a seamstress - then an old scarf is a great finishing detail or lining .